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Taking too much time to rendering the report

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Ramakrishna asked on 04 Sep 2009, 07:54 AM

We have choosen Telerik reporting tool as our primary reporting tool for one of our project. We are facing issues with respect to the rendering time. We have few reports where the data gets from the stored procedure in 10 seconds and when we bind the same data (straight forward method) to the reporting control, its taking 45 minutes to show the report.

I would like to know if there is any other thing which we are missing... I will get the report designer file and can send you if you need it.

Now the client is asking me why can't we switch to SSRS / other reporting tools. How can we defend this question? Please let us know if any links are there to helpus out.


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answered on 09 Sep 2009, 09:26 AM
Hi Ramakrishna,

Ten seconds is quite some time for getting your data from the database, which probably means you're querying thousands of records, is that correct? Do you use grouping, filtering and sorting in your reports and how do you accomplish those? You should be aware that the report works with all of the datasource data and the latter operations are executed on all database rows i.e. imagine grouping and filtering on 10 000 records. It might be a good idea to consider when/how to prepare the data for the report - please check Performance Considerations help article. Also how many items do you have in the reports in question? Layout calculations take into account all items in the report, so the more the items, the slower the rendering.
As mentioned in other threads currently every time the report is previewed, paged or exported through the viewer it is processed and rendered from scratch and this takes its toll. We're aware this is not the best way to do this, but we lack caching mechanism and the rendering process itself needs performance boost as well. Anyway, this task is already in our TODO list and we hope we will soon have the chance to work on it.
If you believe that you're not overwhelming the report by the points mentioned above, please open a support ticket and provide us with a sample report along with the data you use and we would be able to provide more info once we look into it.

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the Telerik team

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