Im in the process of reviewing KindoUi to see if it will work for what I need and for the most part things are going well but I ran into a hic-up today when doing some testing.
This happens in android only with stock browser (android 4.0)
What I am doing is creating a simple page with tabs, when I select one of the tabs I have an "onShow" event where I read the JSON object and I create a UL / LI list.
I push this list to a div on the page and then I call $("#dataList").kendoMobileListView(); to format the list. Now this works but I noticed that when I select the tab that fires this event and then transitions the page, right before the page moves it will "blink" (disappear then reaper). I thought this was strange so I looked at the docs and demos and noticed that the demo app did not do this so I started to dig a little deeper into it. I noticed when I did not "format" the list and just pushed the un-styled list to the div that the blinking did not happen, so I thought maybe it was the styling function. I then tried to manually add the classes to the UL/LI, while this did style the elements it still produced the blink. Now I'm at the point where I think its something in the styles but what does not make since is why would it work in the demos then?
I'm kind of at a loss, I hope someone can help.
(BTW I am not using a layout template or binding)
Im in the process of reviewing KindoUi to see if it will work for what I need and for the most part things are going well but I ran into a hic-up today when doing some testing.
This happens in android only with stock browser (android 4.0)
What I am doing is creating a simple page with tabs, when I select one of the tabs I have an "onShow" event where I read the JSON object and I create a UL / LI list.
I push this list to a div on the page and then I call $("#dataList").kendoMobileListView(); to format the list. Now this works but I noticed that when I select the tab that fires this event and then transitions the page, right before the page moves it will "blink" (disappear then reaper). I thought this was strange so I looked at the docs and demos and noticed that the demo app did not do this so I started to dig a little deeper into it. I noticed when I did not "format" the list and just pushed the un-styled list to the div that the blinking did not happen, so I thought maybe it was the styling function. I then tried to manually add the classes to the UL/LI, while this did style the elements it still produced the blink. Now I'm at the point where I think its something in the styles but what does not make since is why would it work in the demos then?
I'm kind of at a loss, I hope someone can help.
(BTW I am not using a layout template or binding)