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Table Grouping With Subtotals

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Joshua asked on 02 Jul 2013, 03:18 AM
Somehow, I have spent two days trying to figure out how to do something that should be so simple.  I am using Telerik Reporting Q3 2010.  I have a data source that contains a Boolean value called IsLaborCost, a String Value called CategoryName and a decimal value for CostAmount.  I simple want my table to list the Categories that IsLaborCost is true, then a subtotal, then list the ones where IsLaborCost is false and a subtotal, and then a grand total.

I have tried adding a group and using the IsLaborCost as the Group By, but then it only shows the first category from the group.  I cannot add a child group to that to set it to just show the details.  If I add my initial group and select the Details option, then it shows all of my categories, but they are not grouped where I can add subtotals and such.  What am I missing.  I have read the documentation and played with the samples but cannot seem to get mine to work right.

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answered on 04 Jul 2013, 01:46 PM
This seems fairly easy to setup with the Crosstab wizard.

Another option is to use report groups and table in the report detail section. You can databind the table datasource with Binding expression =ReportItem.DataObject

 May be I am missing something and it will be clearer if you send us screenshot of your definition, result, group explorer and what you expect.
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answered on 07 Jul 2013, 07:26 PM
I figured out my main problem.  When the Table or Crosstab is first added.  When you add a field to it, it creates a default group.  I was assuming this was a parent group and I needed to add a child group to it for the details.  I was wrong.  What it added was the detail group and I had to add a parent group to put the parent information in.  If you aren't using a wizard, seeing where your columns are and if they are part of the group or not is very cumbersome.
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