I have a Grid and inside that grid I have a RadGridView filled with items. Below the RadGridView I have four buttons.
What I want is that by pressing the Tab key I navigate like this: When I open the windows and Press Tab I focus on the first item in the view of the RadGridView, on the second Tab press I jump out of the RadGridView and the focus is now on the Button below. On the next Tab press I jump to the next button and so on and so on till I reach the end and than I start the same from the beginning.
In the RadGridView if I want to move through the Items I do so with the Arrow keys Up and Down.
How can I do that ? I set in the RadGridView IsTabStop="False" but that is not enough, because on the first Tab press I want to Focus on the first item in the View of the RadGridView and then on the second Tab press I want to jump out to the next button.