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Tab key navigation

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Ramin asked on 12 Nov 2010, 08:53 PM
How can I stop Tab key navigation in the Grid? I have a window that has some Textboxes and a RadGrid. I need when user presses the Tab key, the focus moves between all the controls in the window not inside the RadGrid. In other words, I don't want tab key selects another cell or a row in the RadGrid. When the focus is in the Textbox before the RadGrid Tab key will set the focus to the Grid but then the focus is stuck in there and won't go out unless all the cells in the Grid are traversed. How can I change this?

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Telerik team
answered on 15 Nov 2010, 09:35 AM
Hello Ramin,

Basically, if you want to predefine the default behavior of the keyboard navigation, you may follow up the approach demonstrated in this blog post.  

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the Telerik team
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