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t-sql error

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amber asked on 06 Jan 2014, 11:57 PM

Since we need to use T-SQL( use declare, cursor, temp table, etc) to get the data from different DBs from  SQL server, I run the T-SQL scripts from SQL server successfully. But when I copy& paste the script under "Select Statement" in  "configure Data source command" window and run(see t-sql script.jpg), it gave me error see sql error.jpg.  So Telerik reporting doesn't support T-SQL?

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answered on 09 Jan 2014, 04:01 PM
Hi Amber,

The SqlDataSource uses ADO.NEty to connect and retrieve data. Please test running your query in MSSQL Management Studio. If it is goes successfully, test creating standard SQL adapter and executing the same script with the data provider and connection string you set previously for the SqlDataSource component.

If it happens that the query is runnable with MSSQL Management Studio and ADO.NET objects, but not with our data source component, please post the full SQL query, details about the used data provider and connection string.


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