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Syncing DBContext and QueryableCollectionView

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Mike asked on 08 Jul 2011, 12:11 PM
i have a - maybe - stupid question. My Application uses Entity Framework 4.1 with DBContext. In the MainWindow is a RadGridView bound to a QueryableCollectionView (Customers) to display Data.

<telerik:RadGridView x:Name="uxCustomerGrid" ItemsSource="{Binding Customers,BindsDirectlyToSource=True}" IsReadOnly="True" EnableColumnVirtualization="True" EnableRowVirtualization="true" SelectionMode="Extended" RowIndicatorVisibility="Collapsed" AutoGenerateColumns="False" CanUserDeleteRows="False" CanUserInsertRows="False" GridLinesVisibility="None" IsFilteringAllowed="False" ShowGroupPanel="False" RowStyle="{DynamicResource CustomerRowStyle}">
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Kundennummer}" Header="Nummer"/>
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Kundenname}" Header="Name" />
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Ort.Bezeichnung}" Header="Ort" />
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Ort.PLZ}" Header="PLZ" IsVisible="False" />
<telerik:GridViewDataColumn DataMemberBinding="{Binding Einwohneranzahl}" Header="Einwohner" IsVisible="False" />

        private QueryableCollectionView _customers;
        public QueryableCollectionView Customers
            get { return _customers; }
                if (value != _customers)
                    _customers = value;
this._context = new MiexUnitOfWork();
this.Customers = new QueryableCollectionView(_context.Kunde.Local);

The user changes a single row of the grid via a ModalWindow. The Window has it's own dbcontext. After the user has closed the ModalWindow (and the changes are saved to the database) i wan't to refresh the grid in the parent's window.
I tried the following:

This code forces the dbcontext to update the changed entry. But the changes are not reflected in the grid. I tried to call the Refresh() method of the QueryableCollectionView, but the grid still show's the old values.

How can i force the grid to show the changes made in the dbcontext?

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answered on 08 Jul 2011, 01:21 PM
Ok, forget about it. Just discovered, that the POCO's generated from the EF do not implement INotifyPropertyChanged. Changed the T4 template and now erverything works fine!
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