I'm trying to build out some functionality that will allow users to enter in multiple filters and then once they have entered in all of their filters, they can click button and execute complete set of filters.
I'm trying to do this by calling grid's FilterDescriptors.SuspendNotifications() (via a checkbox checked event) and SuspendNotifications on all of the individual columns ColumnFilterDescriptor.
Once the user has entered in their filters, I want to allow them to uncheck the check box, which calls the gird's FilterDescriptors.ResumeNotifications() and ResumeNotifications on all of the individual columns ColumnFilterDescriptor.
What I'm seeing in my sample project is that everything works as expected when the application starts up. I enter in a few filters, I uncheck the suspend check box, and the data is fitlered, correctly.
When I re-check the suspend check box, I can go and delete values and the UI updates (Not what I expected since all notifications were suspended).
Any suggestions or ideas? Am I missing something obvious? In my attached screenshot, I expected 3 rows of data, not one since filtering was suspended.