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Subreport in page footer

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sitefinitysteve asked on 02 Jan 2013, 02:44 PM
Why can't I add a subreport to the page footer?

I have a need to make the page footers on all my reports the same, so I want to create a subreport and pass in the pagenumber\pagecount as parameters.

When I try to add the subreport in vs2012 it throws a popup saying this isn't possible?

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Telerik team
answered on 04 Jan 2013, 08:17 AM
Hi Steve,

There is no way to add SubReport or any data item in page section as we consider this conceptually wrong in the context of Telerik Report, because:
  • page sections are processed after the report data has been processed
  • page sections cannot grow i.e. if your SubReport grows more than the size of the page section, it would be cut off.
  • as report data source is not available at the time page sections are processed, you cannot filter the SubReport based on the report (main) data source.

All these limitations, make the SubReport or any Data Item unusable for its original purpose. In order to make the page footer on all your reports the same, we suggest to inherit a base report that contains a "common" footer.

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answered on 04 Jan 2013, 04:00 PM
Okay so I made a base report which has nothing but a page footer on it...but previewing the report, or reportviewer isn't showing me the page footer?
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answered on 07 Jan 2013, 02:27 AM
I completed something like this by adding a ParentGroup to the DetailsSection with a group expression of "=True" so that a single group is created and then set PrintOnEveryPage on that group to true. My Report is not bound and I have a table within the detailSection that is.

I did this with a SubReport so that it would appear right under the PageHeader, but the same can be done for the FooterSection with docking to appear above the footer.

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answered on 10 Apr 2013, 07:36 PM
Hi. why subreport show the same  data in all groupfooter session?
I have two group in my report. i use subreport to show group summary. my subreport show same data in all group.
any idear?
Telerik team
answered on 17 Apr 2013, 01:08 PM
Hi Heradon,

It depends on how you pass data to that sub report document and whether it is filtered correctly. If by any chance you use report parameters in the data driven events, assure you get their values from the processing equivalent, as shown in Using Report Events help article. Notice we refer to a SubReport item in a GroupFooter section.

In order to provide more accurate suggestions, please elaborate on your reports definitions, data structure and how data is passed between reports.

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