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Subreport doesn't fit the whole container of the master report

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Henrique asked on 03 Oct 2019, 08:04 PM


Please, I would be VERY VERY glad if someone could help me.

I have a report that has a sub-report inside it and it's working just fine.

The sub-report can give one or multiple lines as output for a single row in the master report.
However, when a row's height in the master report is too high (due to the output of other cells, not the sub-report), then the sub-report's output doesn't fill the gap in the master report.

I've tried so many thing that I read in this forum, but none of them worked.
I've attached a real example of what's happening:

The master report uses a table, while the sub-report uses only text boxes. 


Thank you very very much

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answered on 08 Oct 2019, 03:21 PM

Hello Henrique,

I noticed that you have opened a Support ticket for the same issue. I will summarize our discussion here for the benefit of our community.

When a SubReport is placed in a table cell, it will occupy the entire space in the cell if it becomes higher, whereas the subreport (i.e. its ReportSource) will take only the space it needs to accommodate its internal items. We consider this as a bug - Sub-report does not grow to fill the entire SubReport item area.

The workaround is to substitute SubReports with nested Table/List/Crosstab. Note that with nested items you will avoid the deeper nesting due to the SubReport. With SubReport item the TextBox is in the detail section of another report and then in SubReport item. With a nested table, the TextBox is only in a table cell.

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