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SubReport Column headings not being shown

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Hrushikesh Mokashi
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Hrushikesh Mokashi asked on 21 Jul 2009, 02:11 PM
Hi All,

I am using 3 reports
1. rptMain
2. rptOldReport
3. rptNewReport

I am using rptSubreport1 and rptSubReport 2 as subreports in rptMain.

I am using datatable to bind both the reports.


Public Sub New(ByVal dtOld As DataTable, ByVal dtNew As DataTable)




RptOldReport1.DataSource = dtOld

RptNewReport1.DataSource = dtNew

End Sub


It shows the data for both the reports but the problem is that it is not showing the column headings in both the reports.

If I run both the reports seperately from my aspx page directly ( i.e. not opening report as a subreport) then the columns headings are visible.
Public Sub ShowReport(Byval dt as DataTable)
 Dim objRpt  as OldReport = New OldReport()  // Or Dim objRpt  as NewReport = New NewReport()
 objRpt.DataSource = dt
End Sub

Can anyone please let me know what could be the problem?

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Telerik team
answered on 21 Jul 2009, 03:24 PM
Hi Hrushikesh,

Here is a quote from our SubReport help article: "Page header/footer sections of subreports are ignored by our reporting engine by default - only the master report can have page sections. In order to have a header/footer that repeats on every page, you can consider using an unbound group (a group without any grouping criteria specified) and set its GroupHeader/FooterSection.PrintOnEveryPage = True."

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Hrushikesh Mokashi
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