In our usage of RadDiagram, we enable our shapes to be positioned with subpixel accuracy. However, we notice that the AdornerManipulator for our shapes is always a little bit larger and aligned exactly on pixel borders. For instance, if have a diagram shape positioned at 20,30.5, the adorner will be positioned at 20,30. If that same shape is 40x50 pixels, the bottom of the adorner will be at 60,31.
I think I found the code that does this in RadDiagram.UpdateManipulationAdorner; that code taking the Math.Floor of the position and the Math.Ceiling of the extents. This makes the adorner lie exactly on a pixel but also makes it not match the adorned object.
This seems like surprising behavior to me; the manipulation-adorner ends up being not quite the bounds of the object adorned. However, it also looks like someone pretty intentionally put code in place for this behavior.
We are on the 2013.3.1204 release; I don't think any of the release notes since then mention changes related to this functionality.
1) Is this a correct evaluation of what's happening?
2) What considerations led to the decision that the AdornerManipulator has this behavior? What negative side effects might we expect if we were to remove the Ceiling and Floor calls and instead use the exact position and extents?
3) While we can certainly modify this behavior locally, is this something that you all would address in a future release, please?
Thank you!
I think I found the code that does this in RadDiagram.UpdateManipulationAdorner; that code taking the Math.Floor of the position and the Math.Ceiling of the extents. This makes the adorner lie exactly on a pixel but also makes it not match the adorned object.
This seems like surprising behavior to me; the manipulation-adorner ends up being not quite the bounds of the object adorned. However, it also looks like someone pretty intentionally put code in place for this behavior.
We are on the 2013.3.1204 release; I don't think any of the release notes since then mention changes related to this functionality.
1) Is this a correct evaluation of what's happening?
2) What considerations led to the decision that the AdornerManipulator has this behavior? What negative side effects might we expect if we were to remove the Ceiling and Floor calls and instead use the exact position and extents?
3) While we can certainly modify this behavior locally, is this something that you all would address in a future release, please?
Thank you!