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StrokeDashArray in WPF Q2 2014

2 Answers 195 Views
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Joe asked on 23 Sep 2014, 02:16 PM
After upgrading to WPF Q2 2014, the StrokeDashArray property stopped working for me.  I confirmed with the same project linking to Q1 2014 that the property is working.

Here is the XAML that reproduces the issue.  Any ideas?  Note that the Stroke and StrokeThickness properties are being updated correctly to Red and thickness 2.  It's just the StrokeDashArray that stopped working.

<chartView:ScatterLineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding LineData}" XValueBinding="XValue" YValueBinding="YValue">
          <Style TargetType="Path">
               <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Red"/>
               <Setter Property="StrokeDashArray" Value="10 5"/>
               <Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="2"/>

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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 24 Sep 2014, 11:57 AM
Hi Joe,

Indeed, the StrokeDashArray property is not applied correctly in Q2 2014 release. We are going to investigate the reason behind this behavior.

Hoewever, to set a dash array for the line you can use the DashArray property of the series.
<telerik:ScatterLineSeries DashArray="10 5">

I hope this helps.

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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 26 Sep 2014, 07:28 AM
Hi Joe,

We can confirm this is an issue in RadChartView and we logged in our feedback portal where you can track its status. We also updated your Telerik points as a small sign of gratitude for the report.

Check out Telerik Analytics, the service which allows developers to discover app usage patterns, analyze user data, log exceptions, solve problems and profile application performance at run time. Watch the videos and start improving your app based on facts, not hunches.
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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
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