Hi there,
I'm having some strange troubles with the RadGridView. I'm populating the grid dynamically in code behind in the Loaded event because the number of columns needed is not known at design time. So far so good and after the data is loaded the grid looks fine. Column and row virtualization are enabled by default, vertical scrolling works and performance is really good. BUT horizontal scrolling does look really strange. The column headers do not move at all and the visible cells just move out to the left side of the grid while something that looks like empty grid rows moves into view by scrolling further to the right. This happens out of the box before I even start fiddling around with the various properties of the RadGridView.
If I turn off column virtualization part of the issue goes away. Headers still don't move and performance of loading and scrolling becomes really bad because there can be hundreds of columns. I tried to change almost every setting on the grid but I can't seem to get rid of the problem...
I'm having some strange troubles with the RadGridView. I'm populating the grid dynamically in code behind in the Loaded event because the number of columns needed is not known at design time. So far so good and after the data is loaded the grid looks fine. Column and row virtualization are enabled by default, vertical scrolling works and performance is really good. BUT horizontal scrolling does look really strange. The column headers do not move at all and the visible cells just move out to the left side of the grid while something that looks like empty grid rows moves into view by scrolling further to the right. This happens out of the box before I even start fiddling around with the various properties of the RadGridView.
If I turn off column virtualization part of the issue goes away. Headers still don't move and performance of loading and scrolling becomes really bad because there can be hundreds of columns. I tried to change almost every setting on the grid but I can't seem to get rid of the problem...