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Standalone Report Designer UI Needs Updating

4 Answers 73 Views
Report Designer (standalone)
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Karl asked on 23 Sep 2019, 12:48 AM


The Standalone Report Designer has a very dated UI.  WPF provides so many more capabilities and when you use the Telerik WPF controls, so many possibilities exist.


1. Please put the tool windows in a Docking system, like Teleriks.  Forcing the property window to be pinned to the right side is a UI/UX issue. Studies have shown that placing it on the left, makes it easy to use since the object your assign property value is very close and the distance the mouse must be moved it greatly shortened.

2. Make the tool window fonts re-sizable.  In the modern age of 4K computer monitors, the very date UI and small fonts make the designer difficult to use.

3. Enable the designer to create assemblies instead of just loose report files. The assembly files can be loose and then compiled as a separate tasks, i.e. shell out and run the appropriate "dotnet" build command to build the assembly.  This would enable .NET Core developers  form loosing out on many features of the reporting product by being forced to use the standalone designer.  For example, Report events.

Thank you,


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Telerik team
answered on 25 Sep 2019, 03:17 PM

Hello Karl,

Up to your suggestions:

  1. We plan to update the Standalone Report Designer tool windows docking and persist the user choice.
  2. We will investigate the fonts resizing on HDPI monitors further, generally the fonts size should be dependable on the windows DPI and font size settings.
  3. Generating code files in Standalone Report Designer is not in our plans. If custom modifications are needed in runtime we highly recommend the usage of Bindings whenever possible and if this is not applicable as a last resort there is the option of a custom ReportsResolver to modify the report definition or even attaching events to report instances after trdp/trdx unpackaging/deserialization and using InstanceReportSource as return value. 

Generally for feature requests our recommendation is to use the Telerik Reporting feedback portal in order to engage more customers in the feature discussion and to trace the request status.

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answered on 25 Sep 2019, 03:21 PM

Thank you for your response Pete, very informative.

Font sizes I would recommend doing like Visual Studio, where the developer sets the font sizes for each object.  You could also add a simple feature, that allow the developer to select "Default", "Medium", "Large" font sizes and then render the UI accordioning.

Thank you for the 411 for item #3.  This does make these items possible.




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answered on 25 Sep 2019, 03:25 PM

For the font's using the Windows DPI settings is not enough and won't cover use cases.  I always run my system at 100% Font Size and then adjust each application individually as required.  

If you use the Windows font settings, users will have problems.

Telerik team
answered on 30 Sep 2019, 03:18 PM

Hello Karl,

We have discussed the two request within the team and I have added two items in the Telerik Reporting feedback portal. The items are added on your behalf to receive updates on their status changes.

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Report Designer (standalone)
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