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Stand alone Report designer vs Visual studio report designer

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Ian asked on 05 Oct 2019, 05:31 PM

Looking for advice on which report designer to use, I understand it depends on my situation so here it is.

1. Just starting with reporting, have dabbled with both designers over the last week

2. Currently the site is a webforms public website using ASP.NET AJAX Controls.

3. I am the only developer, for a website that displays scientific data (right now mainly grids and graphs) that could benefit from Telerik reporting cross-tabs, graphs etc.

Before I decide which to choose I wanted to get your opinion on the pros and cons of the two designers.  For this reason I am posting this on both reporting forums for obvious reasons.

1. Which report designer gives you the most flexibility in design and what do you consider the pros and cons are of each.

2. Posts on the forum are 2,417 posts for stand alone (SARD) and 43,368 for Visual Studio (VSRD) - does this reflect that most people have chosen VSRD, and/or are there more problems when designing with VSRD.

3. If fewer people are using SARD do you envisage Telerik will continue with it (I have been stranded before on blind paths), and if they don't can the report file (TRDX) be easily imported into VSRD?

Many thanks on any advice!


Aussie Enjoying Oregon


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Telerik team
answered on 09 Oct 2019, 01:23 PM

Hi Ian,

Generally both designers have huge common code base, have almost identical user experience and we will continue to support both for the foreseeable future. The main difference is in the used report format - type (code) reports vs trdp (XML based report format). We do have good converters that are able to convert both ways everything but custom report events (we recommend Bindings instead of report events) and localization resources. Still I will highly recommend the Standalone Report Designer because the TRDP format doesn't require any upgrade procedures and is supported in the Telerik Report Server and Web Report Designer. Many of our customers use VS Report Designer due to legacy reasons.

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