I need to get the minimum size of a given pane in the splitter. I see the following behavior...
When I call splitter.min(pane) it enters the following method in kendo.all.js:
In this case, propertyName is 'min', however, in the paneConfig the property is called 'minSize', and therefore this returns undefined.
I need to get the minimum size of a given pane in the splitter. I see the following behavior...
When I call splitter.min(pane) it enters the following method in kendo.all.js:
function panePropertyAccessor(propertyName, triggersResize) {
return function(pane, value) {
var paneConfig = $(pane).data(PANE);
if (arguments.length == 1) {
return paneConfig[propertyName];
paneConfig[propertyName] = value;
if (triggersResize) {
var splitter = this.element.data("kendoSplitter");
In this case, propertyName is 'min', however, in the paneConfig the property is called 'minSize', and therefore this returns undefined.