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Slow down when maximizing or minimizing

1 Answer 73 Views
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Cristian asked on 23 May 2011, 03:23 PM
When i set the properties MajorTickLength and MinorTickLength, at TimeLineViewDefinition, to 1day the application slows down when the control is rendered (maximizing or minimizing the window, scrolling, getting focus, ...). Reading the forum if found how to solve this problem out when scrolling (adding a container), but i haven't found a solution for the other issues.

Here it is the definition for the control:










AppointmentsSource="{Binding ImmovilizationModel.ImmovilizationAppointments}"



GroupDescriptionsSource="{Binding ImmovilizationModel.GroupDescriptions}">
















<telerik:FixedTickLengthProvider />












<telerik:FixedTickLengthProvider />


















¿Is there anything i can do to speed up control rendering?

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Valeri Hristov
Telerik team
answered on 26 May 2011, 10:11 AM
Hello Cristian,

You should set the TickLength property of the FixedTickLengthProvider:

<telerik:FixedTickLengthProvider TickLength="1:0:0" />

TickLength is a TimeSpan that specified the duration between the ticks.

Valeri Hristov
the Telerik team
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Valeri Hristov
Telerik team
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