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Sizing of custom edit appointment dialog (template)

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Jacques asked on 18 Nov 2011, 07:53 AM

I have a custom edit appointment template which contains some controls that are made visible / collapsed based on certain selected criteria within the dialog. Unlike a normal window, the edit appointment dialog doesn't automatically resize while it's open. Is there a property or something that I can use to control this behaviour? Maybe changing the window style from a non resizeable toolbox window to one that is resizeable?

I am aware that I can use another 'factory' way of creating a custom appointment dialog as shown in the following post, but this means that I also have to implement a custom confirmation dialog, etc. and I would prefer not to have to do that.


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answered on 23 Nov 2011, 11:46 AM
Hi Jacques,

You can customize only the EditAppointmentDialog using the IScheduleViewDialogHostFactory and and IScheduleViewDialogHost interfaces as explained here.

For example, to set the Width, Height and ResizeMode of the EditAppointmentDialog, please use the following snippet:

public class CustomScheduleViewDialogHostFactory : ScheduleViewDialogHostFactory
    protected override IScheduleViewDialogHost CreateNew(ScheduleViewBase scheduleView, DialogType dialogType)
        var host = base.CreateNew(scheduleView, dialogType);
        var window = host as RadWindow;
        if (dialogType == DialogType.AppointmentDialog)
            window.ResizeMode = ResizeMode.CanResize;
            window.Width = 800;
            window.Height = 600;
        return host;

Hope this helps.

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the Telerik team

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