when i updated recently from the 2012 Q3 release to the 2013 Q2 release, i notice the following difference in appearance of the application button. we set ApplicationButtonImageSource to a png in our project. the image still shows up fine, but the clipping is different. previously, the height of the application button + tab portion was high enough to fit the tabs and cropped the image in the application button. now, the image expands the height of that portion of the ribbonview to fully fit the image.
for instance, say we have a 100x100 image, and the tabs need to be 50 pixels high to accommodate the text. previously, the application-button-plus-tabs area would be 50 pixels high and the 25th through 75th rows of the image were displayed (so, cropped, not scaled, and centered on the image). now, it is 100 pixels high and the image is fully visible..
how can i restore the previous behavior, please?
images of new and old behavior attached.
for instance, say we have a 100x100 image, and the tabs need to be 50 pixels high to accommodate the text. previously, the application-button-plus-tabs area would be 50 pixels high and the 25th through 75th rows of the image were displayed (so, cropped, not scaled, and centered on the image). now, it is 100 pixels high and the image is fully visible..
how can i restore the previous behavior, please?
images of new and old behavior attached.