I have had an issue with the Report Viewer giving us the error: Report is unavailable or session is expired.
I have noticed many have had this issue when deploying their app. my issue is happening on local host.
Methods already tired to solve the issue without success:
Differences between our project and your project WcfRiaServiceApplication1
Our application is of template Silverlight Busienss Application
We are using ASP.net authorization
We are also using authentication=forms where your webconfig does not have that listed.
Our database is coming form SqlAzureDB.
I have noticed many have had this issue when deploying their app. my issue is happening on local host.
Methods already tired to solve the issue without success:
- Your WcfRiaServiceApplication1 example works on our machine.
- And we have attempted to copy/try the exact same setup.
- Tried 3 different different data sources, LinqToSql, entityDataSource, and objectDatasource.
All work fine on report preview mode. All fail when running the project. - I have tripple checked all refrences on web and client sides.
- Tripple checked the .svc file.
<%@ ServiceHost Service="Telerik.Reporting.Ser vice.ReportServ ice, Telerik.Reporti ng.Service, Version=4.2.10. 1110, Culture=neutral , PublicKeyToken= a9d7983dfcc261b e" %> - Tried both local and Azure Databases... both work on preview both fail on run.
- We tried Q3 and Q2 releases.
- We looked through all form posts and most are related to ASP.net not Silverlight.
- We have run debugging and have seen the debugger runs to the actual report.cs file successfully without errors.
- Our test case is very small amount of data without paging..
- We noticed many form resonses discussig session state and app pools however, your demo does not change any of that and still works. We have matched config file as easy as possible.
- We have tested IE firefox and Chrome.
- We have attached our config file for reference ( minus passwords ).
Differences between our project and your project WcfRiaServiceApplication1
Our application is of template Silverlight Busienss Application
We are using ASP.net authorization
We are also using authentication=forms where your webconfig does not have that listed.
Our database is coming form SqlAzureDB.