Hello everybody,
While using Telerik Reporting, with the Silverlight Report Viewer interface, I noticed a few weird features. I searched on the forums & Internet, and didn't find anything. Thus, I'm not sure if those are known bugs or not.
1) Navigation Selection doesn't follow:
Let's begin with a demo http://demos.telerik.com/reporting/report-book/silverlight-demo.aspx
When an item is selected in the navigation pane left (document map) it opens the right page. That is okay. But after that, when the blue arrows in the upper menu are used (First page, previous page, next page, last page), the selection of the navigation item doesn't change. It remains on the first item selected. Is that a bug? Is it possible to catch the event and change the selected item in the navigation pane?
2) Direct printing document:
On the upper menu is a "Print report" Icon. With my report (which is around 50 pages), when that button is pressed, it shows the pop-up "Preparing to print ( x%)" like it should. But as the percent advance, the percents progressively get slower. It gets so slow that it never hits the 100%. Is there a work around for that? Or may it be possible to remove the "direct print" button from the viewer, so it can't be pressed?
3) Previous / next report buttons:
On the upper menu are 2 green buttons "Navigate back in history" and "Navigate forward in history". Those buttons are never used for my reports. Is it possible to remove them, so they can't be pressed? Because that fills the action bar with unused actions that may confuse some people.
Thanks in advance,
PS: The Telerik Report versions Q3 2011 SP1
While using Telerik Reporting, with the Silverlight Report Viewer interface, I noticed a few weird features. I searched on the forums & Internet, and didn't find anything. Thus, I'm not sure if those are known bugs or not.
1) Navigation Selection doesn't follow:
Let's begin with a demo http://demos.telerik.com/reporting/report-book/silverlight-demo.aspx
When an item is selected in the navigation pane left (document map) it opens the right page. That is okay. But after that, when the blue arrows in the upper menu are used (First page, previous page, next page, last page), the selection of the navigation item doesn't change. It remains on the first item selected. Is that a bug? Is it possible to catch the event and change the selected item in the navigation pane?
2) Direct printing document:
On the upper menu is a "Print report" Icon. With my report (which is around 50 pages), when that button is pressed, it shows the pop-up "Preparing to print ( x%)" like it should. But as the percent advance, the percents progressively get slower. It gets so slow that it never hits the 100%. Is there a work around for that? Or may it be possible to remove the "direct print" button from the viewer, so it can't be pressed?
3) Previous / next report buttons:
On the upper menu are 2 green buttons "Navigate back in history" and "Navigate forward in history". Those buttons are never used for my reports. Is it possible to remove them, so they can't be pressed? Because that fills the action bar with unused actions that may confuse some people.
Thanks in advance,
PS: The Telerik Report versions Q3 2011 SP1