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Silverlight Report Viewer Help

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Lee asked on 13 Jul 2010, 08:53 PM
I'm having a difficult time getting reporting to work with the Silverlight Report Viewer.

I've viewed the video you reference, and I'm at the point where I'm supposed to set the Report property on the Silverlight Report Viewer equal to the assembly qualified name of the report, but I haven't the slightest idea where I get that information.

In another post, you used the following example for the assembly qualified name, 'Report="Telerik.Reporting.Examples.CSharp.BarcodesReport, CSharp.ReportLibrary, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" '.

Where are these pieces of information coming from?

It would appear as if "CSharp.ReportLibrary" is the name of the class library containing the report, but what is "Telerik.Reporting.Examples.CSharp.BarcodesReport"?

In the video, he uses "Telerik.Reporting.Examples.CSharp.ProductCatalog", but never explains what this is or where it's from. It looks like it's a namespace, but when I put in the namespace I think I should be using it doesn't work.

Can you please break down where these pieces of information come from and how you get the information to include in your project?

Thank you.

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Chris Gillies
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answered on 14 Jul 2010, 08:35 AM
What is AssemblyQualifiedName is explained in the MSDN
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answered on 14 Jul 2010, 12:39 PM
Thanks.  I've read the post but I wasn't sure I was using the correct value because I was getting an exception when trying to run the report.  The exception I was getting didn't include any debug information and was only displayed within the Silverlight Report Viewer, so I had my doubts that I was using the correct value.

It turns out that I am using the correct value for the AssemblyQualifiedName, but I'm still getting an exception when I try to view the report.  The problem now is that the exception isn't actually bubbling up to my application so I can't tell what the problem is.  The only thing that I get is a brief exception message in the Silverlight Viewer.

I've attached a screen shot to show what I'm getting.

A little more information might help.
I've added a class library to my project, and added a Telerik Report to the class library.  I was able to design a report and view it in preview mode to see my data with report formatting.

I've added all of the references as were detailed in the video Getting Started with Telerik Report Viewer for Silverlight.

And I've added the Silverlight Report Viewer to a RadWindow.  I open the RadWindow in my application, and you can see the Report Viewer try to load the report, but all I get is the exception text as shown in the attachment.

Any ideas?
Chris Gillies
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answered on 15 Jul 2010, 11:44 AM
To get to the exact error, you should enable debugging for the silverlight web application and enable first chance exceptions from the Visual Studio Debug --> Exceptions. 
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answered on 15 Jul 2010, 12:37 PM
Thanks, but I've already got those settings enabled.  That's why I'm a little surprised that I can't get more information about the exception.
Chris Gillies
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answered on 16 Jul 2010, 12:21 PM
This looks like quite frequent issue related to Silverlight. Another thing you can try is to check if you have disabled script debugging as the guys from the Silverlight forum suggested  

Tools---->Internet Option------>Advanced---->Disable script Debugging.

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answered on 16 Jul 2010, 12:50 PM
Thanks again, but this doesn't seem to be my issue.  Script debugging is disabled in IE.  I even tried to enable script debugging just to see if there was any difference when the application ran.  There wasn't.

Any other exceptions in my project are properly trapped, and/or thrown back to the application where it is ultimately caught in the unhandled exception handler.  

For whatever reason, the exception that is occurring when trying to generate and view the report is coming out of the Silverlight Report Viewer.  Without it, I'm having trouble debugging the issue that's preventing the report from being displayed.
Telerik team
answered on 16 Jul 2010, 02:20 PM
Hello Lee,

Please review the following articles:

If all those are met, verify whether you can render a very basic report with static data at all. If not, please check whether the report viewer points to the Telerik Reporting service - you can easily identify that by accessing your service by pasting its URL in the browser address bar.

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