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Silverlight Report Viewer

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Manuel asked on 12 Aug 2010, 05:36 PM

is it possible to add custom buttons to the toolbar to execute custom commands (eg. close ReportVewer)?
I saw that the viewer has some styles included. How can I create my one style?


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Telerik team
answered on 13 Aug 2010, 12:27 PM
Hello Manuel,

First please clarify which viewer you are talking about. The WPF/Silverlight viewers are built using the MVVM pattern, which lets you alter their UI completely and create the look and feel you want. However this is not valid for the ASP.NET and Windows Forms viewers, where you would need to create your own UI if you need to change the toolbars. Additionally can you elaborate what you mean by "close ReportViewer"? All report viewers are part of your application, so you can hide/show them by using the Visible property.

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answered on 13 Aug 2010, 01:36 PM
Hello Steve,

these are good news! I will customize the SL ReportViewer.
I found a Documentation to edit the Style, thats great!

Do you have some Documentation or How-tos, how use the Viewer with MVVM?
I like to add some Buttons the Toolbar and bind the to Commands. (to close the View for example)


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