Hello telerik
I have a gridview and add it a column like this
GridViewDecimalColumn dec = new GridViewDecimalColumn();
dec.FieldName = "Flaot";
dec.Name = "Float";
dec.HeaderText = "Float";
dec.DataType = typeof(decimal);
dec.FormatString = "{0:#,0.########}";
dec.ShowUpDownButtons = false;
dec.DecimalPlaces = 8;
I didint want to see UpDownButton so I set ShowUpDownButtons =false , in edit mode The ShowUpDownButtons doesnt shown but when I use Up or Down button
it increase and Decrease the value of cell.Is there any way to stop this behavior.(I am using the version 2014-1-226)
I am Waiting eagerly for your response.
I have a gridview and add it a column like this
GridViewDecimalColumn dec = new GridViewDecimalColumn();
dec.FieldName = "Flaot";
dec.Name = "Float";
dec.HeaderText = "Float";
dec.DataType = typeof(decimal);
dec.FormatString = "{0:#,0.########}";
dec.ShowUpDownButtons = false;
dec.DecimalPlaces = 8;
I didint want to see UpDownButton so I set ShowUpDownButtons =false , in edit mode The ShowUpDownButtons doesnt shown but when I use Up or Down button
it increase and Decrease the value of cell.Is there any way to stop this behavior.(I am using the version 2014-1-226)
I am Waiting eagerly for your response.