I have a 'placeholder' appointment that we place on the scheduleview via code upon loading the calendar. We let the user drag the appointment to the correct date/time and would then like to show the Edit Appointment dialog for this 'new' appointment.
The post here (http://www.telerik.com/forums/drag-and-drop-and-schedulerdialog) says this will be integrated in a later version in 2011. How do we go about doing this from within the CustomDragDropBehavior?
Also the 'placeholder' appointment is NOT in the 'ScheduleViewRepository.Context' as I have excluded the placeholders from the 'NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add' so it doesn't add all of them that are not dragged and created as actual appointments. So can I add it add some point in the SqlAppointment class endedit somehow?
Thanks much!