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Show data slow and not responding

1 Answer 529 Views
Report Designer (standalone)
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Tuan asked on 29 Dec 2018, 05:56 PM

I have data (get from stored proceduce in SQL). Telerik report show data very slow (data have 16828 row) about 2 - 3 minute. I have attach database and report .Can you help me. Thank you very much.



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Telerik team
answered on 03 Jan 2019, 02:37 PM
Hello Tuan,

Thank you for providing the report definition along with the data. I successfully downloaded it from the posted link.

Let me start with some general information concerning Report processing and rendering. They are extremely memory- and time-intensive operations. During the report generation there are newly created resources. Each item takes memory and time to be processed and rendered in the report. The operations are very complex and include data processing (aggregates, filtering, sorting, conditional formatting, expression evaluation, events) and rendering (fonts measurements, layout calculations, paging and etc.). For more information on what and when happens you may check the Report Life Cycle help article.
A lot of factors will influence the report's performance: machine capabilities, number of report items, amount of data, report's complexity and rendering format.
For more information you may check Performance Considerations help article.

I have tested to reproduce the issue locally with the provided files, but it seems that the report is rendering for around 30 seconds. I have captured a small demonstration for your reference - Please note that the video is silent and could be opened with browser with Flash plugin installed (for example IE browser).

In large reports scenarios, the machine should have enough memory and CPU to handle the amount of data and the document processing for this amount of data. For data intensive reports, we would recommend a minimum of a dual core processor with at least 2 GB of RAM.

Based on the Performance factors in the developer’s control section of the mentioned above article, I can highlight the one which I think is relevant to your case:
Please let us know if any additional questions come up.

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Report Designer (standalone)
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