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Shape Tooltips

2 Answers 193 Views
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Peter asked on 29 Oct 2012, 12:34 PM

I'm using RadDiagram in a databound application. For each shape I have some additional information I want to provide. Is there any way to set the Tooltip of a shape? I tried to set the ToolTip property on the shape's style and even in the content of the shape I am not able to have a tooltip on a component. It seems like the Diagram itself disables all tooltips of child elements. Hope you can tell me a way to show tooltips on shapes.

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,
Peter Schmidt

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Miro Miroslavov
Telerik team
answered on 31 Oct 2012, 09:14 AM
Hi Peter,

 I just tried to add a ToolTip to our Org chart example and all looks ok on my side. You can check the attached screenshot. And here is the code for it:

<Style TargetType="local:OrgChartShape" x:Key="OrgChartShapeStyle">
    <Setter Property="Position" Value="{Binding Position, Mode=TwoWay}" />
    <Setter Property="Visibility" Value="{Binding Visibility, Mode=TwoWay}" />
    <Setter Property="IsSelected" Value="{Binding IsSelected, Mode=TwoWay}" />
    <Setter Property="Background"
            Value="{Binding Branch, Converter={StaticResource BackgroundSelector}}" />
    <Setter Property="Padding" Value="0" />
    <Setter Property="ToolTip" Value="{Binding Position}" />

Can you try this approach and let us know if it is working for you. 
Kind regards,
Miro Miroslavov
the Telerik team

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answered on 05 Nov 2012, 11:09 AM
Hey Miro,

thats exactly what I did. As a test, I rebuild my project step by step and found out that the ToolTip disappers when IsEnabled is set to false. I set this because I want no user interaction at that point. On my production application I am now disabling every feature (drag, resize, connect,...) with its own setter and leave IsEnabled on true. This approach works very well.

Thank you for your hint.

Best Regards,
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Miro Miroslavov
Telerik team
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