RadDiagramContainerShape has OnDragEnter Event. so, on Diagram, if i drag shape into Containershape then DragEnter, DragOver, DragLeave are worked.
but Shape doesn't have DragEnter and DragOver.
i want to do senario that when "Shape" is dragged to other "Shape", other "Shape"'s DragEnter event is activated.
i handled DragEnter on "Shape",
"DragDropManager.AddDragEnterHandler(this, MyDragEnterEventMethod);"
but, MyDragEnterEventMethod doesn't work when "Shape" is dragged to other "Shape" on Diagram.
MyDragEnterEventMethod only work when control DragContent to DragDropManager.AddDragInitializeHandler.
DragDropManager.AddDragInitializeHandler Code is below
DragDropManager.AddDragInitializeHandler(this.diagram, OnDragSourceDragInitialize);
and OnDragSourceDragInitialize Code is below
private void OnDragSourceDragInitialize(object sender, DragInitializeEventArgs e)
this.dragVisualControl.Content = this.PrepareDragVisualTypeB(e.OriginalSource as RadDiagramShape);
e.DragVisual = this.dragVisualControl;
e.DragVisualOffset = e.RelativeStartPoint;
e.AllowedEffects = DragDropEffects.All;
Shape DragEnter doesn't work like ContainerShape does
RadDiagramContainerShape has OnDragEnter Event. so, on Diagram, if i drag shape into Containershape then DragEnter, DragOver, DragLeave are worked.
but Shape doesn't have DragEnter and DragOver.
i want to do senario if shape is dragged to other shape then other shape's DragEnter event is activated.
i tried to handle DragEnter on shape,
"DragDropManager.AddDragEnterHandler(this, MyDragEnterEventMethod);" in Customshape implements RadDiagramShape,
but, MyDragEnterEventMethod doesn't work when shape is dragged to other shape on Diagram.
MyDragEnterEventMethod only work when control DragContent to DragDropManager.AddDragInitializeHandler.
DragDropManager.AddDragInitializeHandler Code is below
DragDropManager.AddDragInitializeHandler(this.diagram, OnDragSourceDragInitialize);
and OnDragSourceDragInitialize Code is below
private void OnDragSourceDragInitialize(object sender, DragInitializeEventArgs e)
this.dragVisualControl.Content = this.PrepareDragVisualTypeB(e.OriginalSource as RadDiagramShape);
e.DragVisual = this.dragVisualControl;
e.DragVisualOffset = e.RelativeStartPoint;
e.AllowedEffects = DragDropEffects.All;
How do i Activate Shape DragEnter, DragOver, DragLeave like ContainerShape does?
i need to cases
case 1. when it dragged "Shape1" to "Shape2", "Shape2"'s Drag Enter is activated.
case 2. when it dropped "Shape1" to "Shape2", "Shape2"'s Drop Event is activated.