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setting Y axis min max and step from datasource

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KocSistem asked on 05 Jul 2012, 07:59 AM
I have a line chart which shows tempriture of a room daily. The tempriture values come from a datasource.
The X axis shows days and Y axis shows the tempriture values.

Think of that i have temriture values from dataset as below:
18.22 ,18.83 , 19.30 , 20.05 , 19.15 ,  19.25
While using the line chart by default settings, the Y axis starts from 0 and ends with some value over 21. And the steps are generated automatically. 
As seen here the min value is 18,22 and max value is 20.05 
I would like to see the line chart as below
Y axis starting from 18 and ending at 21 and steps are 0.1 
Coul you please describe how to achieve that.

I have attached a sample chart which is generated with a different tool. The chart in the screenshot describes perfectly what i want.


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Telerik team
answered on 06 Jul 2012, 02:17 PM

The easiest way to go, would be to set the the following property:
Chart -> PlotArea -> YAxis -> IsZeroBased = False - this will make the YAxis to start from the minVal and go to the maxVal and to do so it requires AutoScale = True;
You can also set the Step but you in order to do that AutoScale must be False (which will disable the automatic minVal and maxVal detection). If you choose to use this approach you will have to manually set the MaxValue and MinValue which will probably require some programmatical intervention. 
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the Telerik team

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answered on 20 Oct 2013, 12:09 PM
having the same problem but with report designer tool(stand alone)
But i cant find Y axis under Plot are ?
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