With the ChartView, how can i get/set the zoom and pan values. I figured out the zoom on the actual control, but it doesn't seem to set the correct "zoom" on the "zoom bar". And pan i can't find anywhere.
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Telerik team
answered on 26 Dec 2011, 12:00 PM
Hello Niclas,
The respective properties are RadCartesianChart.Zoom and RadCartesianChart.PanOffset (the offset should be provided in negative absolute values e.g. RadCartesianChart.PanOffset = new Point (-7500,0) will offset the chart horizontally at 7500px).
We have identified some problems related to the general zoom precision and the zoom bar settings that will be addressed in the next weekly internal build of the control.
Sorry for the temporary inconvenience.
the Telerik team
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