I can't seem to set the operator to be used to be contains. And when I view your example at https://dojo.telerik.com/?_gl=1*u10xbr*_gcl_au*MTU1Njg2MDQ5Ni4xNjk3NjM0MzYz*_ga*Mjg2NDkyMzIyLjE2OTc2MzQzNjQ.*_ga_9JSNBCSF54*MTY5NzgxMzA3OS4zLjEuMTY5NzgyMzA0OS41LjAuMA.. it doesn't appear to be working either.
This is my exact use case. I want the filterable mode to be set to row and on the cell I do not wish to show operators, but i wish to use the contains operator.
Any help would be appreciated.