I create a subreport in the detail by passing display ID as below:
private void detail_ItemDataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
Telerik.Reporting.Processing.DetailSection section = sender as Telerik.Reporting.Processing.DetailSection;
DataRowView row = section.DataItem as DataRowView;
object ID = row.Row["ID"];
if ((row["ID"] != null) && (row["ID"].ToString().Length != 0))
//pass parameter- ID, date from & date to
this.subDrivingLicense.ReportSource = new rptDriverReminderSub1();
this.subDrivingLicense.ReportSource.DataSource = blDrivingLicense.ListRecords(ID.ToInt(), strDateFrom, strDateTo);
but sub report always show "the expression contains object "ExpiryDate" that is not defined in the current context".
What should i do to fix it?anything i miss out?