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Set datasource to a Textbox

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Simon asked on 15 Jul 2019, 10:29 AM


as you can see in the attached file I have a textbox named textBox4.

This textbox is located at pageHeaderSection1.

Is it possible to set a datasource or a Binding to that textBox or must I have a table with one cell to set a datasource?


And another question:

Is it possible to turn the text by 90 ° in the header of the columns, so I have more space?

I have not found anything in the properties.

Please see the attachement table1.jpg!






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answered on 15 Jul 2019, 11:50 AM


for my second question I have found a solution.

For this purpose it gives the property "Angle".

This case has been done.

Remains the first question.


Telerik team
answered on 18 Jul 2019, 08:15 AM

Hello Simon,

In PageHeader/Footer sections, you have access to the data in the Report data scope - check Report Sections in Report Structure article. DataSource can be bound only to data items (the Report, Table, Crosstab, List, Graph, Subreport). Note that the other report items have as data scope the scope of their closest parent data item. For the PageHeader/Footer this is the Report itself. Hence, all TextBoxes in the PageHeader/Footer may use the data bound to the Report. To set the value of a TextBox in the ReportFooter you may use Expressions.

If you want to set data from a different data source, this could be done by introducing a new Table and set it's DataSource property. Please note that it is not possible to use Data Items in this section. You might put the table in one of the other report sections like ReportHeader/Footer, Group Header/Footer etc.

As for the second injury, yes, the Angle property will set the angle of rotation of the text in degrees.

Best Regards, Silviya
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