I've been searching online for solutions that can solve my problem but most had to do with Master Details relationships.
My problem in a nutshell.
I have one Master report, the header and footer are populated with one datatable named CompanyInformation. In the details section, I have a telerik.reporting.processing.table, I set the headers and inside the table cells I drag a textbox. I set the value of the textbox to be the corresponding field from the database starting with "[=Field.something]." I bind the header and footer alright but the table will not show up at all and yes the visibility is set to true. By the way, both the master and table datasources are being set at runtime determined by a parameter passed from within an asp.net application.
heres my code.
private void TelerikReportInvoice_NeedDataSource(object sender, EventArgs e)
int param = (int)this.ReportParameters["param "].Value;
InvoiceDataSetTableAdapters.GetOrdersTableAdapter adapter = new TelerikReport.InvoiceDataSetTableAdapters.GetOrdersTableAdapter();
InvoiceDataSet.GetOrdersDataTable dt= new InvoiceDataSet.GetOrdersDataTable();
dt= adapter.GetData(param);
((Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Report)sender).DataSource = dt.AsDataView();
private void table2_NeedDataSource(object sender, EventArgs e)
InvoiceDataSetTableAdapters.GetOrderFeesTableAdapter adpt = new TelerikReport.InvoiceDataSetTableAdapters.GetOrderFeesTableAdapter();
InvoiceDataSet.GetOrderFeesDataTable dt= new InvoiceDataSet.GetOrderFeesDataTable();
int param = (int)this.ReportParameters["param"].Value; //same as master parameter
dt= adpt.GetData(param);
table2.DataSource = dt.AsDataView();
I set both the table and report's datasource to be null in the constructor after initializecomponent() is called. The DataSet Visualizer also shows that there are 2 rows in the datatable returned and i'm also using stored procedures.
I've been searching online for solutions that can solve my problem but most had to do with Master Details relationships.
My problem in a nutshell.
I have one Master report, the header and footer are populated with one datatable named CompanyInformation. In the details section, I have a telerik.reporting.processing.table, I set the headers and inside the table cells I drag a textbox. I set the value of the textbox to be the corresponding field from the database starting with "[=Field.something]." I bind the header and footer alright but the table will not show up at all and yes the visibility is set to true. By the way, both the master and table datasources are being set at runtime determined by a parameter passed from within an asp.net application.
heres my code.
private void TelerikReportInvoice_NeedDataSource(object sender, EventArgs e)
int param = (int)this.ReportParameters["param "].Value;
InvoiceDataSetTableAdapters.GetOrdersTableAdapter adapter = new TelerikReport.InvoiceDataSetTableAdapters.GetOrdersTableAdapter();
InvoiceDataSet.GetOrdersDataTable dt= new InvoiceDataSet.GetOrdersDataTable();
dt= adapter.GetData(param);
((Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Report)sender).DataSource = dt.AsDataView();
private void table2_NeedDataSource(object sender, EventArgs e)
InvoiceDataSetTableAdapters.GetOrderFeesTableAdapter adpt = new TelerikReport.InvoiceDataSetTableAdapters.GetOrderFeesTableAdapter();
InvoiceDataSet.GetOrderFeesDataTable dt= new InvoiceDataSet.GetOrderFeesDataTable();
int param = (int)this.ReportParameters["param"].Value; //same as master parameter
dt= adpt.GetData(param);
table2.DataSource = dt.AsDataView();
I set both the table and report's datasource to be null in the constructor after initializecomponent() is called. The DataSet Visualizer also shows that there are 2 rows in the datatable returned and i'm also using stored procedures.