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Set an Icon in a Theme to apply to all RadWindows

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Pedro asked on 27 Nov 2016, 07:09 PM

Hi Telerik team,

What i'm trying to achieve is very simple, I just want to set an Icon image to RadWindow Template so it will be reflected in every RadWindow instances I create later:

 - I'm using Windows 8 theme and I have copied the needed XAML files.
 - The image is a .ico file from the folder "Resources\MyImage.ico"

Although I have search in the documentation and in the forums I couldn't find a solution that find my needs, I do not want to use code behind to set the icon in every window.

I'm looking forward your response.

Best regards,
Pedro Galusso

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answered on 28 Nov 2016, 12:37 PM
Hello Pedro,

You could create a global style for the RadWindow and define your image in its Icon setter. If you put/merge the style in your App.xaml and make it implicit (without a key), it will be applied to all the instances of the control:
<Style BasedOn="{StaticResource RadWindowStyle}" TargetType="telerik:RadWindow">
  <Setter Property="Icon">
      <Image Source="<local path to your logo>" />

Note several things:

To receive all the styling that we ship for the theme chosen, the style needs to be BasedOn on the default one (which needs to be merged in your application beforehand - in other words you need to define your style after the merged dictionaries for the theme).

The Icon property provides value for a ContentPresenter, so you might need to define the image's Width and Height explicitly, and also - any limitations about images present in the WPF framework apply - e.g. the need for 96dpi for best rendering etc.

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