The problem I have is that I am trying to host a windows form control in a floating pane. Once you start moving the pane around the control disappears. I am reasonably certain that it is because the floating pane window has AllowsTranparency=true. I would like to set it to false.
I tried creating a new style -
The problem I have is that I am trying to host a windows form control in a floating pane. Once you start moving the pane around the control disappears. I am reasonably certain that it is because the floating pane window has AllowsTranparency=true. I would like to set it to false.
I tried creating a new style -
Style x:Key="Win" TargetType="telerikDockingControls:RadPane">
<Setter Property="AllowsTransparency" Value="False"/>
but I get the error message -
property was not found in RadePane.
could you tell me how to disable AllowsTransparency please?