I have a large dynamic number of series to display on a RadCartesianChart (series will be generated using a SeriesProvider). Groups of series will share a common vertical axis (such as 5 series on axis A, and another 5 series on axis B). All series will be of the same type.
If possible, I'd like to use a palette for automatically assigning the colors to each series. However, the series on Axis A should have one group of colors (e.g. various shades a red), and the series on Axis B should have a different group of colors (e.g. various shades of blue).
Is there a way to use a separate palette for each group of series, or associate a group of series with a given group of PaletteEntries? Since all series will be of the same type, I assume I can only create one SeriesEntry collection in a custom palette for this series type.
Or are my best options to manually assign the appropriate PaletteEntry to each series, or forget the palette altogether and just manually assign the desired colors?