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selecting rows in radgridview

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PCI asked on 02 Jul 2014, 11:42 AM
Is it possible to select grid rows using mouse click? I mean that if I click on row it will be select but other selected rows don't become unselected.
It should behave like left click with ctrl click on keyboard.

Second maybe related question: which event may override MouseLeftButtonUp or Down after click on row? If use MouseRightButtonUp it works fine but when use leftbutton event it doesn't work. I have there breakpoint and the program doesn't break.

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Telerik team
answered on 02 Jul 2014, 02:47 PM

Let me go straight to your questions:

1. Do you want multiple selection? Please refer to the Multiple Selection help article. Moreover, you can check the Selection online demo. The same example is available in your local copy of WPF demos.

2. Indeed, the MouseLeftButtonDown event will not be raised because GridView handles it internally.  In order to use it you have to subscribe to it with HandledEventsToo set to true. Please check the following code snippet for a reference:
public MainWindow()
           this.AddHandler(RadGridView.MouseLeftButtonDownEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(clubsGrid_MouseLeftButtonDown), true);
       private void clubsGrid_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

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answered on 03 Jul 2014, 05:48 AM
Now I can do multiple selection when I click wherever on the row of grid but I have to click ctrl button earlier. I want to do this without ctrl button. Now when I click on some row that row becomes selected after that but other rows (which were selected before mouse click) aren't already selected.
Telerik team
answered on 04 Jul 2014, 01:24 PM

If I understand you correctly the desired behaviour is to have multiple selection without using the Ctrl key. May I ask you to check the attached sample project and let me know how it works for you?

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