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Selecting all items when one Recurrence item is selected

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Rajesh asked on 12 Jan 2012, 07:04 AM

I have two questions regarding ScheduleView Component

1. Is their a way to select all recurrence views associated to that appointment when any of its item is selected, i have attached a snapshot     to show how i require it when any one is selected
2. Is there a way to hide resize button (we dont want that feature)


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answered on 13 Jan 2012, 03:14 PM
Hi Rajesh,

Straight to your questions:

1. you should create a custom AppointmentSelectionBehavior in order to implement the needed requirement - just override GetSelectedAppointments method and add all the occurrences to the selection:

protected override IEnumerable<IOccurrence> GetSelectedAppointments(AppointmentSelectionState state, IOccurrence target)
    var newSelection = Enumerable.Empty<IOccurrence>();
    var currentSelection = base.GetSelectedAppointments(state, target);
    foreach (var s in currentSelection)
        var currentOccurrence = s as Occurrence;
        if (currentOccurrence != null)
                var occurrences = currentOccurrence.Appointment.GetOccurrences(new DateTime(2012, 1, 1), new DateTime(2012, 6, 1));
                newSelection = newSelection.Union(occurrences);
    return newSelection.Union(currentSelection);

2. I would suggest to create a custom DragDropBehavior and override CanResize method, please check here for more details about this.

I've attached a simple example demonstrating both approaches. Hope it helps.

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answered on 21 May 2012, 07:41 PM
hello yana
thank u for this usefull code...
i try it but i found a problem, it occurs when making an exception to a recurrence, it's selected but not moved when drop the items.
please if any help or another code to select multiple items without recurrence.
thank u in advance
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