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Selecting a Wizard Page in DesignMode

1 Answer 175 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Kurt Boyer
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Kurt Boyer asked on 28 Jan 2015, 11:25 PM
I've been having difficulty trying to navigate to specific wizard pages while in DesignMode in Visual Studio 2012 and am wondering if I'm doing things correctly.
To get to a page I've created, it seems I have 2 choices.

1) Click on the "Next" button of the radWizard continuously until I've reached the desired page.


2) Click on the smart tag of the radWizard control, select Edit Pages, click on the page title of the page I want to edit, then click on the "Cancel" button.

I'm using method #2 right now, but it seems to me that pressing the OK button in the Pages Collection Editor should let you edit the page in DesignMode. If you click on the OK button (no matter what page you have selected) you are transported back to the WizardWelcomePage.

Am I seeing things correctly?

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Telerik team
answered on 02 Feb 2015, 11:25 AM
Hi Kurt,

Thank you for writing.

The Pages Collection Editor, by design navigates to the Welcome page when the Ok button is pressed. If you would like to select a page from this editor and stay on this page in the designer you should simply press Cancel

The other option as you pointed in your post is by pressing the Next and Back buttons of the wizard in the designer.

Hristo Merdjanov

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Kurt Boyer
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Telerik team
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