RadCarousel is a great component and it makes the application that I'm working on look so profesional even if I don't have a designer backgound or so.
There are a couple of addition things that I would need from this component, they may be already there but I don't know how to take advantage of them.
First of all - I need to always have one selected CarouselItem out there, no matter if I've clicked one or not.
If I press an additional "Load" button I should always have the possibility to retrieve the top most carousel item there
( right now carousel.SelectedItem can return null if there was no click on a specific item )
Second - Reffering the beginning or the end of carousel items sequence - I should have the possibility to stop the flow of the items (if I continuously press the carousel's ScrollViewer buttons) I mean that the last item should be in the middle of the screen and not somewhere far in the left/right of the screen (check out the attachments) - and this last one should be the SelectedItem also
RadCarousel is a great component and it makes the application that I'm working on look so profesional even if I don't have a designer backgound or so.
There are a couple of addition things that I would need from this component, they may be already there but I don't know how to take advantage of them.
First of all - I need to always have one selected CarouselItem out there, no matter if I've clicked one or not.
If I press an additional "Load" button I should always have the possibility to retrieve the top most carousel item there
( right now carousel.SelectedItem can return null if there was no click on a specific item )
Second - Reffering the beginning or the end of carousel items sequence - I should have the possibility to stop the flow of the items (if I continuously press the carousel's ScrollViewer buttons) I mean that the last item should be in the middle of the screen and not somewhere far in the left/right of the screen (check out the attachments) - and this last one should be the SelectedItem also