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Segmenting a RadCartesianChart

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Kyle asked on 28 Sep 2020, 07:17 PM


I'm wondering if there is a way to segment a RadCartesianChart based on specific units of time (minutes, hours, days, months, years).

For example, lets say I select the count of product orders for every month over a 4 year timespan (2012-2015). With that selection, I will have 48 points of data displayed on my line chart. As a user, I would like to view how our order numbers compare on a year-by-year basis, while still seeing the order counts for the specific months. I select an option that specifies Segment = Year. My resulting chart should look like the attached image.

Is something like this possible with RadCartesianChart?


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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
answered on 30 Sep 2020, 08:00 AM

Hello Kyle,

RadCartesianChart doesn't support the described grouping (segmenting) feature. However, you can achieve this by placing few charts one next to another. Only the first chart will have the vertical axis shown and the others will be hidden. You can sync the axis ranges with the Minimum and Maximum axis properties. The gray background and the black line can be shown with a plot band and line annotations.

I hope this information helps.

Martin Ivanov
Progress Telerik

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Martin Ivanov
Telerik team
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