Hi, I encounter a problem about calling the event handler of the scrollviewer inside radgridview template in a style .xaml file.
I have a radgridview which refer to a basic style in another style xaml file. And the its content is several column build up a table
========== page1.xaml ============
<telerik:RadGridView x:Name = "rgv1" Style="{StaticResource BasicRGVStyle}">
< ... few columns ...>
and this styling has its template as scrollviewer (when the row or column exceed the viewport, scroll bar appear)
========== BasicStyle.xaml ==========
<Style x:Key="BasicRGVStyle" TargetType="telerik:RadGridView">
<Setter Property="Template">
<ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type telerik:RadGridView}">
<telerik:GridViewScrollViewer x:Name="PART_ItemScrollViewer" Grid.Row="1" ScrollChanged="PART_ItemsScrollViewerChanged">
<Border x:Name="Border1" Grid.Row="2" ...>
Can I call PART_ItemsScrollViewerChanged event handler in my page1.xaml.cs and i want to control the border inside this event handler. I recall that it prompt some error some sort like no such event handler found and object reference error.
Tell me if you can't understand my question. Thanks