Scroll editor to cursor

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BottomNavigation Editor
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Franco asked on 02 Sep 2021, 09:37 PM

Hi! I wanted to know how to programmatically scroll the editor to the current cursor. I am currently using

this.kendoEditor.exec('insertText', { text: '##FLAG##' });
this.kendoEditor.value = this.kendoEditor.value.replace('##FLAG##', '<b>content</b>');

and if the cursor was at the bottom the user will not see the new text.

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Martin Bechev
Telerik team
answered on 07 Sep 2021, 02:54 PM

Hello Franco,

Thank you for the provided code snippet.

Indeed there is no built-in mechanism to scroll the Editor content to the desired position.

What can be done is to insert a custom element with an id attribute, and then to call scrollIntoView method of that element, like so:

 insertText(editor: EditorComponent) {
    editor.exec('insertText', { text: '#CURSOR#' });
    editor.value = editor.value.replace(
      "<b><span id='my-content'>content</span></b>"

    const iframeDoc = (document.querySelector('.k-iframe') as HTMLIFrameElement)

    const customSpan = iframeDoc.getElementById('my-content');

Here is an example:

Please bear in mind that the suggested approach is just a workaround and it is not supported by the component itself. The developer can further extend the logic or implemented an entirely new one based on the project requirements.

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BottomNavigation Editor
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Answers by
Martin Bechev
Telerik team
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