Scheduling intersecting appointments within a one-minute time frame in a WPF ScheduleView's appointment cell

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Bryan asked on 04 May 2024, 09:51 AM

The Telerik WPF ScheduleView's appointment cell has a problem with intersecting times when assigning schedules within a one-minute time frame. When I drag and drop to assign a schedule, such as from 12:30pm to 1:30pm, and then another schedule from 1:30pm to 2:30pm, sometimes it displays two cells in one column (as shown in the right corner), while other times it works fine (as shown in the left corner).

I must emphasize that this is a bug in the user interface. Is there a way you can fix this issue? Thank you!

Telerik team
commented on 08 May 2024, 01:06 PM

Generally, the result from the right side is the expected one when one appointment's start/end dates match the start/end date of another appointment on the same day.

The result on the left side is present when there aren't overlapping start or end dates of appointments. More specifically, same day, but different time.

With this in mind could you share, which version of the assemblies is used on your end? Also, would it be possible to reproduce this behavior in a sample project, which I could test?

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