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ScheduleView Styling

4 Answers 224 Views
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Phani Kumar
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Phani Kumar asked on 11 Jul 2012, 08:01 AM

I am using RadScheduleView (WPF) for the touch screen application currently developing.Trying to implement the below styling changes to RadScheduleView

1. Increase the height of calendar View Definitions List / Ribbon (where the Day, Week, Month, etc. options are)
2. Increase the size of calendar navigation buttons (right side of calendar ribbon) 
3. Increase the height of scrollbar at the bottom of the calendar 
4. Open the Appointment Dialog for single click of an Appointment
5. Remove the delete button 'x' from the Appointment

Right clicked the properties -> AppointmentStyleSelector and selected Extract Value to Resource, below error is seen

"Could not create resource"
"Value cannot be null."
"Parameter name : PropertyKey"

I am using the Metro Theme (RadControls for WPF Q1 2012). Does not have Expression Blend.
I do not know if I will require the XAML markup for the ScheduleViewBase implementing the above changes.

Kindly suggest.

Please let me know for any clarifications.

Thank you & Regards,

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Telerik team
answered on 11 Jul 2012, 02:30 PM
Hello Phani, 

I provide you a small example project with the desired changes. Please pay attention to the following explanation.

All changes are after NOTE comment - just open the given file and search for 'NOTE:' . There is very detailed information about what you have to change to achieve the desired effect.

  • open file: Themes/Telerik.Windows.Controls.ScheduleView.xaml  - From there you can:
    • change the height of ViewDefinitionList and its Items (e.g. Day, Week, Month)
    • change the size of calendar navigation buttons
    • change the action which want to fire the 'EditAppointment' command (in your case it will be: MouseAction="LeftClick")
    • remove the  delete button from an appointment
  • open file: Themes/System.Windows.xaml  - there you can style the ScrollViewer. I left 'NOTE:' there also.

As a side note, I would like to inform you that a specific theme intended for use on touch screen devices is currenty under development. It is expected with the 2012 Q3 release or 2013 Q1 release at the latest. You might want to consider waiting for that theme instead of applying these particular changes.

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Phani Kumar
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answered on 12 Jul 2012, 03:27 PM
Thank you Todor, I was able to use the project files provided to be able to implement the necessary Styling changes to the RadScheduleView expcept increasing the Horizontal Scroll Bar Height.

I was reviewing the area where the ScrollBar styles are maintained and changed the various Height/Width parameters but do not see and change. I am not sure whether MaximumHeight/MaximumWidth is computed and maintained.

Kindly let me know for any clarifications.

A Theme for touch screen is really very exciting and will be a must in our project....Once it is available we will use it.

Best Regards,
Telerik team
answered on 16 Jul 2012, 10:05 AM
Hello Phani,

Please, check the attached System.Windows.xaml file. I made the changes you want and again I have left 'NOTE:' comments for you to see easily needed changes to get the wanted ScrollBar.

Hope that helps.

the Telerik team

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Phani Kumar
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answered on 19 Jul 2012, 04:52 PM
Thanks a lot Todor. It was really helpful.
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Phani Kumar
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Telerik team
Phani Kumar
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