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ScheduleView MonthView Fixed Slots

3 Answers 61 Views
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Nicholas asked on 17 Dec 2019, 04:23 AM

I am using the ScheduleView control to build a program that will replace a spreadsheet my coworkers and I currently use to coordinate our field work. Here is a summary of the information for each appointment I want to display:

  • Supervisor initials
  • Which of our crews you are supervising
  • Which shift you are covering (day/night)
  • Shift start
  • Shift end

I am going to have each appointment item be colored by which crew, but I am looking for a custom behavior with how "Shifts" work in the program. The start/stop times of each shift never change. Instead, we work either "Day" or "Night" shift. Because of this, the ScheduleView control will always be in MonthView format.

I am looking for a good way essentially split each day on the MonthView into a "day" and "night" section, whether by a time range (12am-12pm & 12pm-11:59pm), or by some kind of special container that is categorized as "Day" or "Night". Then when we add an assignment inside the "Night" container, or on the night half of the cell, the code would be able to automatically set that record's "Shift" field to "Night", or visa versa for days.

What would be the best way to do this? I have looked at custom containers, but I can't find an example that shows what I am wanting. I have included an image showing what I would want it to look like.

Users will need to be able to drag/drop their assignments around to trade shifts, and users will need to be able to click the "Day" or "Night" containers to add new shift assignments.

I am also open to any suggestions that someone may have on a better way to display this information.

Thank you for any feedback/help!

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Dinko | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
answered on 19 Dec 2019, 12:37 PM

Hi Nicholas,

Thank you for the provided image and details.

After reviewing your scenario, the main struggle will be modifying and arranging the items inside the MonthView time ruler items. You can customize the  TimeRulerItems using TimeRulerItemStyleSelector, as described in the Styling the TimeRulerItems help article. For the MonthView, the style items will be TimeRulerMonthViewItemStyle. You can also check the Custom Slots help article. But adding additional containers and arranging the appointments inside the containers won't be an easy task. The logic for arranging the appointments needs to be modified so that the new containers are respected.

What comes up to my mind is to use Grouping instead of splitting the containers. In a few words, you will have the supervisor as the main group and two subgroups (day and night). You can check the Resources help article, which described how you can group resources. You can also check the RadScheduleView Grouping and Filtering demo in our WPF Controls Demo application.

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answered on 01 Jan 2020, 02:06 PM


Thank you very much for taking the time to provide some feedback. Due to my experience level with C# and WPF, I'm going to elect for the grouping/sub-grouping option and give that a try, as I do not think I am capable of modifying logic for the arranging of appointment containers.

Do you have any code examples for grouping and sub-grouping? I attempted to figure out how to get it all working, but I was having some issues.

Thanks again!

Dinko | Tech Support Engineer
Telerik team
answered on 06 Jan 2020, 11:10 AM

Hi Nicholas,

You can take a look at the Filter sub-group headers example in the RadScheduleView section in our WPF Controls Demo application. You will have to work with the Resources of RadScheduleView to create groups. I think the Timeline view will work better in your case. You can check the Timeline view in the mentioned example to see how the resources are grouped. For example, on the left side, you can have the employees with Day and Night shifts. At the top, you can have the days. I hope this information is helpfull.

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Dinko | Tech Support Engineer
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