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ScheduleView contextmenu display problem

8 Answers 181 Views
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Christie Admin
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Christie Admin asked on 27 Feb 2014, 09:47 PM

I'm working with the ScheduleView control and I use the Office2013 Theme. I set a context menu on my ScheduleView control with 2 options. I create an appointment on my control and when I right-click on the new appointment, the context menu appear, when I left-click in the new appointment cell but outside the context menu to make the context menu dissapear, the moving tooltip of the SchedulView control appear... I would like to know if it's possible to avoid this behavior?!?


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Telerik team
answered on 04 Mar 2014, 02:27 PM
Hello Alain,

In order to avoid the explained behavior you can use a custom ScheduleViewDragDropBehavior which will prevent the dragging when the ContextMenu was just closed. In your ViewModel you will need an additional property which indicates whether should prevent the drag operation and when the ContextMenu is closed you will need to set the property to true:

public bool ShouldDisableDragOperation { get; set; }
public bool IsContextMenuOpen
        return this.isContextMenuOpen;
        if (!(bool)value)
            this.ShouldDisableDragOperation = true;
        this.isContextMenuOpen = value;

Afterward in the DragDropBehavior you can check the property in the CanStartDrag method the following way:

public override bool CanStartDrag(DragDropState state)
    var viewModel = (state.ServiceProvider.GetService<IDialogProvider>() as RadScheduleView).DataContext as ViewModel;
    if (viewModel.ShouldDisableDragOperation)
        viewModel.ShouldDisableDragOperation = false;
        return false;
    return base.CanStartDrag(state);

However if you click somewhere else (not on the same Appointment) and ContextMenu is closed - the property will remain true and it will disable the dragging of the Appointments. So you may also need to bind the SelectedAppointment property of the ScheduleView and to set the ShouldDisableDragOperation property to false when the SelectedAppointment is changed.

Hope this will help you.


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Christie Admin
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answered on 14 Mar 2014, 04:10 PM
Hi Kalin,

souns good except for one thing, the contextmenu is in the form where my usercontrol is so how my usercontrol can detect that the contexmenu is open or not???

Telerik team
answered on 18 Mar 2014, 01:24 PM
Hello Alain,

If I understand you correctly you have an UserControl with ScheduleView inside and you have attached the ContextMenu to UserControl. In this case you can get the ContextMenu from the code behind of the UserControl using the static RadContextMenu.GetContextMenu() method and bind the its IsOpen property to a property in the ViewModel. Please check the following code snippet:

public partial class ScheduleViewUserControl : UserControl
    public ScheduleViewUserControl()
        this.DataContext = new ViewModel();
    private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        var menu = RadContextMenu.GetContextMenu(this);
        var binding = new Binding{ Source = this.DataContext, Path = new PropertyPath("IsContextMenuOpen"), Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay};
        BindingOperations.SetBinding(menu, RadContextMenu.IsOpenProperty, binding);           

Hope this will help you.


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Christie Admin
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answered on 18 Mar 2014, 05:31 PM
Hi Kalin,

not exactly :) I have a wpf form which contain my usercontrol and the contextmenu was define in my wpf form. With the piece of code you gave me, the line "var menu = RadContextMenu.GetContextMenu(this);" return always null.

Here is the definition of my usercontrol in my wpf form:

            <TabItem Header="Create Control">                
                <ctrlCreateSchedule:CreateSchedule x:Name="CreateSchedule" GroupHeaderDateStringFormat="{}{0:dddd}" MinorTickLength="30" IsWeekendVisible="False" DayStartTime="9:00" DayEndTime="21:00" OnCreated="CreateSchedule_OnCreated" OnEdited="CreateSchedule_OnEdited" OnDeleted="CreateSchedule_OnDeleted" OnSelectionChanged="CreateSchedule_OnSelectionChanged" OnGetProperties="CreateSchedule_OnGetProperties" OnMouseRightButtonHeaderClick="CreateSchedule_OnMouseRightButtonHeaderClick" OnMouseRightButtonSpotsClick="CreateSchedule_OnMouseRightButtonSpotsClick" OnMouseRightButtonSlotsClick="CreateSchedule_OnMouseRightButtonSlotsClick" ContextMenuOpening="CreateSchedule_ContextMenuOpening" ContextMenuClosing="CreateSchedule_ContextMenuClosing">
                            <MenuItem Header="Item A" />
                            <MenuItem Header="Item B" />
                            <MenuItem Header="Item C" />

Telerik team
answered on 19 Mar 2014, 07:56 AM
Hello Alain,

The approach I have suggested you uses RadContextMenu instead of the regular ContextMenu - that is why you get null for the Menu. Please try to replace the same approach using our ContextMenu:

    <TabItem Header="Create Control">
        <ctrlCreateSchedule:CreateSchedule ...>
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem Header="Item A" />
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem Header="Item B" />
                    <telerik:RadMenuItem Header="Item C" />

Hope this helps.


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Christie Admin
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answered on 19 Mar 2014, 01:20 PM
Thank's Kalin :)
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answered on 23 Apr 2014, 02:12 PM
I'm having a similar problem when using RadGanttView (right click shows the context menu, left click on the same task is causing a TaskSaving event - because of the Drag&Drop operation).

Is there a way to change this behaviour (I do use the GanttDragDropBehaviour, with SchedulingDragDropState as the state)

Telerik team
answered on 25 Apr 2014, 11:16 AM
Hi Aviv,

I noticed you have opened a ticket with the same question. We have already answered you there, so I'll ask to continue the conversation there as this thread is RadScheduleView related.

However I'll share here the ScheduleView part of the answer so it would be available for the community:

We were able to reproduce the ScheduleView issue and logged it in our Feedback portal, you can track its status on the following link:

Hope this helps.

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Christie Admin
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Telerik team
Christie Admin
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