Scheduler Dynamic Slot Height

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General Discussions Scheduler
Govert Jaap
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Rank 1
Govert Jaap asked on 26 Jun 2023, 10:22 AM


I've set up a scheduler using the new multi-week-view for multiple resources where I display only 1 week. And I have grouped these vertically by resource.  

However I'd like to dynamically set the height of the slots, to fit all the events of a resource. And also do this for the group headers. So they match their row.

Switching to a different view to show all the event of a day isn't wanted as there are a lot of groups.

What would be the best way to do this?

Telerik team
commented on 29 Jun 2023, 07:34 AM


Thank you very much for the details provided.

As of now, I am afraid that the Kendo UI for Angular Scheduler does not have a built-in feature that allows the developer to dynamically set the height of the component's slots.

In our Feedback Portal, there is an open feature request for similar functionality.  I upvoted it on your behalf so that it gathers more popularity and thus be considered for implementation by our development team. You can track how the voting process goes here:

I hope this works for you. Let me know if you need additional assistance with this case.

Progress Telerik
Govert Jaap
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Rank 1
commented on 29 Jun 2023, 07:45 AM


Thank you very much for providing me with an answer. And also for notifying me of the feedback portal and upvoting on my behalf.

I have also voted for this functionality to be implemented.


Govert Jaap 

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General Discussions Scheduler
Asked by
Govert Jaap
Top achievements
Rank 1
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